Legal notice
The Kakuetta Gorges website is fully owned by the Mayor's Office of the community of Sainte-Engrâce, at 64560 Sainte-Engrâce, France.
Tel: +33 (0)5 59 28 60 83
Publication Director
The Mayor of the community of Sainte-Engrâce
All the elements of the web site are the property of the Mayor's Office of Sainte-Engrâce and thus are protected by copyright. Any reproduction, modification, use, adaptation, incorporation, translation, sale, in part or in full of the elements contained in this site, without prior written authorization from the Mayor's Office of Sainte-Engrâce, the owner of the website and the Kakuetta Gorges, is forbidden.
Personal data protection
For information on the protection of personal data, please visit the French Data Protection Act website: terms of use
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Reproduction rights
In application of the law of 11 March 1957 (art. 41) and the French intellectual property code of 1 July 1992, none the texts, illustrations, photographs, maps, drawings, animations, videos, sounds that form the content of this website may be used or reproduced without prior authorization from the Publisher.
In accordance with the law of 6 January 1978 on computers, files and liberties, this website has been declared to the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL). With regard to the collection of personal data via the forms on this site, you have the right to access, withdraw and modify any personal data about you. To exercise this right, contact the Mairie de Sainte-Engrâce - 64560 Sainte-Engrâce.